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Increased Cost of Business Grant

Increased Cost of Business Grant

There is a new grant available for businesses paying commercial rates.
The amount of the grant is calculated as follows:

  • For businesses paying up to €10,000 in rates, 50% of 2023 commercial rates     bill,
  • For businesses paying between €10,000 and €30,000 in rates, a grant of €5,000.
  • No grant will be available for businesses paying more than €30,000.

The grant is being administered by the Local Authorities.  You should have received a letter from your Local Authority in the last few weeks with details of your Council Customer Number and Pin. 
To claim the grant go to the online portal ( click on “Start Registration” at the bottom right of the page (note you must tick box agreeing to terms and conditions before proceeding).  If you already have a Council account you can login using these details, otherwise you will need to set up an online account before proceeding.
To complete the claim for the grant you will need to input the following information:

  1. Council Customer and Pin (which you should have received by post from the local authority)
  2. LAID Number (available on Rate Bill)
  3. Legal name of business
  4. Property address
  5. Email address
  6. Contact number
  7. Bank header from statement date within last 3 months
  8. Your tax registration number
  9. Number of employees of business

You may also be asked for a copy of your tax clearance certificate.
Finally, you will be asked to make a “self-declaration” confirming the following:

  • Your business is tax compliant; and
  • Your business has continued to trade since 1st February 2024 and you intend to continue trading for at least the next 3 months

For further information please CLICK HERE. 

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.